Leaper WaferScan Toolkit
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Data Structures | Enumerations
LPVLocateLib Module Reference

LPV Feature Locating Library, provides classes for classic object/edge detection tasks. More...

Data Structures

interface  ILCircleDetector
 This interface provide functionalities of circle detection. More...
interface  ILCircleResult
 This interface holds a single circle detection result and is used to access its properties. More...
interface  ILCircleResults
 This interface holds a collection of circle detection results. More...
interface  ILLineDetector
 This interface provide functionalities of line detection. More...
interface  ILLineResult
 This interface holds a single line detection result and is used to access its properties. More...
interface  ILLineResults
 This interface holds a collection of line detection results. More...
class  LCircleDetector
class  LCircleResult
class  LCircleResults
class  LLineDetector
class  LLineResult
class  LLineResults


enum  LPVCircleDrawFlags {
  LPVCircleDrawCircle = 1 , LPVCircleDrawCenter = 2 , LPVCircleDrawIndex = 8 , LPVCircleDrawDefault = LPVCircleDrawCircle ,
  LPVCircleDrawAll = 0xff
 This enumeration represents the flags to control the circle detection result's drawing behavior. More...
enum  LPVLineDrawFlags {
  LPVLineDrawLine = 1 , LPVLineDrawMidPoint = 2 , LPVLineDrawEndPoints = 4 , LPVLineDrawIndex = 8 ,
  LPVLineDrawDefault = LPVLineDrawLine , LPVLineDrawAll = 0xff
 This enumeration represents the flags to control the line detection results' drawing behavior. More...

Detailed Description

LPV Feature Locating Library, provides classes for classic object/edge detection tasks.

This library provides classes for classic object/edge detection tasks. To include the definitions of the library's classes, use the following directive:

Example Code

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LPVCircleDrawFlags

This enumeration represents the flags to control the circle detection result's drawing behavior.


Draw the circle


Draw the center point of the circle


Draw the index of the circle on its right


Default draw flags, which draws only the circle


Draw a circle detection result with all components

◆ LPVLineDrawFlags

This enumeration represents the flags to control the line detection results' drawing behavior.


Draw the straight line


Draw the middle point of the line


Draw the end points of the line


Draw the index of the line right to its middle point


Default draw flags, which draws only the straight line


Draw a line detection result with all components