LPV Machine learning Library, provides classes for classification/detection/inspection tasks that involves machine learning technology. More...
Data Structures | |
interface | ILClassifier |
This interface provide functionalities of the machine learning based image classification. More... | |
interface | ILFeature |
This interface provide functionalities of the image features, which is used for feature extraction from image in machine learning technology. More... | |
interface | ILModel |
This interface provide functionalities of the machine learning model. More... | |
interface | ILParameterized |
This interface provide parameterized interface for the machine learning feature and model objects. More... | |
interface | ILSample |
This interface represents a sample instance, which usually contains an image and an optional region object. More... | |
interface | ILSampleDatabase |
This interface represents a sample database for training and testing sample organization and management. More... | |
class | LClassifier |
class | LFeature |
class | LModel |
class | LSample |
class | LSampleDatabase |
Enumerations | |
enum | LPVConductivity { LPVConductPMG1 = 0 , LPVConductPMG2 = 1 , LPVConductWeickert = 2 , LPVConductCharbonnier = 3 } |
This enumeration represents the type of the conductivity coefficient used in AKAZE feature. More... | |
enum | LPVFeatureType { LPVFeatureReserved = 0 , LPVFeatureORB = 1 , LPVFeatureHOG = 2 , LPVFeatureAKAZE = 3 } |
This enumeration represents the type of feature extracted from the image. More... | |
enum | LPVKNNDistance { LPVKNNDistanceEuclidean = 0 , LPVKNNDistanceManhattan = 1 , LPVKNNDistanceMax = 2 , LPVKNNDistanceHistIntersection = 3 , LPVKNNDistanceHellinger = 4 , LPVKNNDistanceChiSquare = 5 } |
This enumeration represents the distance calculation method used in KNN model for measuring the similarity between samples. More... | |
enum | LPVKNNMatchAlgo { LPVKNNMatchBruteForce = 0 , LPVKNNMatchKDTree = 1 , LPVKNNMatchKmeans = 2 , LPVKNNMatchComposite = 3 , LPVKNNMatchHierarchical = 4 , LPVKNNMatchAuto = 5 } |
This enumeration represents the algorithm for the nearest searching used in KNN model. More... | |
enum | LPVKNNWeight { LPVKNNWeightByDistance = 0 , LPVKNNWeightUniformed = 1 } |
This enumeration represents the weighting method for KNN model to voting the final result label from K neighbors. More... | |
enum | LPVModelType { LPVModelReserved = 0 , LPVModelKNN = 1 , LPVModelSVM = 2 } |
This enumeration represents the type of machine learning model. More... | |
enum | LPVSampleType { LPVSampleTrain = 1 , LPVSampleTest = 2 } |
This enumeration represents the type of the sample instance. More... | |
enum | LPVSVMKernel { LPVSVMKernelLinear = 0 , LPVSVMKernelPolynomial = 1 , LPVSVMKernelRBF = 2 , LPVSVMKernelSigmoid = 3 } |
This enumeration represents the type of the kernel used in the SVM model. More... | |
enum | LPVSVMType { LPVSVMTypeCSupport = 0 , LPVSVMTypeNuSupport = 1 } |
This enumeration represents the type of the SVM model. More... | |
LPV Machine learning Library, provides classes for classification/detection/inspection tasks that involves machine learning technology.
This library provides classes for machine learning tasks. To include the definitions of the library's classes, use the following directive:
C++ Snippets: MLClassification.cpp
C# Snippets: MLClassification.cs
enum LPVConductivity |
This enumeration represents the type of the conductivity coefficient used in AKAZE feature.
For all the equations below, \( dL \) is the first order image derivative, \( k \) is the contrast factor.
enum LPVFeatureType |
enum LPVKNNDistance |
This enumeration represents the distance calculation method used in KNN model for measuring the similarity between samples.
For all the equations below, x and y is the two feature vectors of the two samples to compare, i is for the ith value.
Enumerator | |
LPVKNNDistanceEuclidean | Euclidean(L2): \( \sum{(x_i - y_i)^2} \) |
LPVKNNDistanceManhattan | Manhattan(L1): \( \sum{|x_i - y_i|} \) |
LPVKNNDistanceMax | Maximum: \( \max{|x_i - y_i|} \) Only works with BruteForce or K-Means or Hierarchical matching |
LPVKNNDistanceHistIntersection | Histogram Intersection: \( \sum{\min{(x_i, y_i)}} \) |
LPVKNNDistanceHellinger | Hellinger: \( \sum{(\sqrt{x_i} - \sqrt{y_i})^2} \) |
LPVKNNDistanceChiSquare | Chi-Square: \( \sum{((x_i - y_i)^2/(x_i + y_i))} \text{ for } x_i + y_i > 0 \) |
enum LPVKNNMatchAlgo |
This enumeration represents the algorithm for the nearest searching used in KNN model.
enum LPVKNNWeight |
enum LPVModelType |
enum LPVSampleType |
enum LPVSVMKernel |
This enumeration represents the type of the kernel used in the SVM model.
For all the equations below, x and y is the two feature vectors of the two samples to compare, g, c and n are numeric parameters.
enum LPVSVMType |
This enumeration represents the type of the SVM model.