Leaper WaferScan Toolkit
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LContourDetector Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LContourDetector:
ILContourDetector ILObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILContourDetector
LPVErrorCode Detect (ILImage *img, ILRegion *region, ILContourResults **results)
enum LPVErrorCode DetectWithDir (ILImage *img, ILRotRectRegion *region, LPVPolarity contourPolarity, int tolerance, int threshold, ILContourResults **results)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()
- Properties inherited from ILContourDetector
int ConnectTolerance [get, set]
 The connect tolerance used in contour connection. For two contour candidates whose end points are nearby, we connect them into one result. By default, it's set to 1 which means no extra connection.
LPVExcludeBoundaryMode ExcludeBoundaryMode [get, set]
 The mode how to handle contours that intersect the region boundary, only LPVEBModeEntire and LPVEBModeNone is supported.
int FilterShort [get, set]
 The relative length threshold in percentage based on the longest contour in the candidates, used to filter a short contour. Worked together with FilterWeak, the short-and-weak is filtered.
int FilterWeak [get, set]
 The relative magnitude threshold in percentage based on the strongest contour in the candidates, used to filter a weak contour. Worked together with FilterShort, the short-and-weak is filtered.
int KSize [get, set]
 The kernel size used in edge filtering, should be an odd number, say, 3, 5, 7, etc. By default, it's 3. For the blurring image, you may use a bigger kernel size.
int MaxCount [get, set]
 The maximum of contours to find. If there are more than the setting counts of contours, sort the candidates then pick the tops. More...
BOOL OnlyClosed [get, set]
 Whether to report only closed contour results. By default, it's off.
int RejectShort [get, set]
 The absolute length threshold used to reject a short contour. Worked together with RejectWeak, the very short-or-weak is rejected.
int RejectWeak [get, set]
 The absolute magnitude threshold used to reject a weak contour. Worked together with RejectShort, the very short-or-weak is rejected.
LPVContourFeatures SortBy [get, set]
 The method used to sort all contour candidates, the top ones are reported as final results. More...
BOOL SortByDescending [get, set]
 Works together with SortBy. True to sort all contour candidates descending(from large value to small), false for sorting in ascending order. More...

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILContourDetector, and is used to create an instance of contour detector.