Leaper WaferScan Toolkit
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ILCalibNPoints Interface Reference

This interface provide functionalities of the n-points camera model. More...

Inheritance diagram for ILCalibNPoints:
ILCalib ILObject


LPVTransformType TransformType [get, set]
 The transformation type used for the calibration. By default, it's LPVTransformHomography .
- Properties inherited from ILCalib
double CalibError [get]
 The overall RMS re-projection error for the calibration, calculated based on the distances between the image points and the projected (using the optimized calibration matrices) world points. It's defined as:
\( \sqrt{ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=0}^{n} distance(p^{image}_i, p^{proj}_i)^2 } \).
LPVFixImageMode FixImageMode [get, set]
 The mode to fix image used in FixImage(). More...
double FixImageOffsetX [get, set]
 The x-coordinate offset (in pixel unit) of the fixed image used in FixImage(), used together with FixImageOffsetY.
By default, it's 0, means no offset in x-coordinate. You may change the offset to translate the fixed image, for example move the inspect region to the center of the fixed image.
double FixImageOffsetY [get, set]
 The y-coordinate offset (in pixel unit) of the fixed image used in FixImage(), used together with FixImageOffsetX.
By default, it's 0, means no offset in y-coordinate. You may change the offset to translate the fixed image, for example move the inspect region to the center of the fixed image.
double FixImageScale [get, set]
 The scale of the fixed image used in FixImage().
By default, it's 1, means no scale. You may change the scale factor to zoom in/out the fixed image.
LPVInterpolationMethod InterpolationMethod [get, set]
 The interpolation method used in fix the image for undistortion (and untilt). By default, it's LPVInterCubic.
LPVCalibModel Model [get]
 The calibration model.
BOOL UseCache [get, set]
 Whether to make use of cache which is used to speed-up the process of the image undistortion (and untilt), but consume more memory. By default, it's off.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILCalib
LPVErrorCode AddPoint (double imagePointX, double imagePointY, double worldPointX, double worldPointY)
LPVErrorCode AddPoints (ILCalibPointPairs *pointPairs)
LPVErrorCode Calibrate ()
LPVErrorCode FixImage (ILImage *image, ILImage *fixedImage)
LPVErrorCode GenPostTransformMatrix (ILCalibPointPairs *pointPairs)
void ImageToWorld (double imagePointX, double imagePointY, double *worldPointX, double *worldPointY)
BOOL IsCalibrated ()
void SetImageSize (int w, int h)
void SetPostTransform (double offsetX, double offsetY, double deltaAngle)
void SetPostTransformMatrix (ILTransform *tf)
void SetPostTransformMatrix23 (LMatrix23 *data)
void SetPostTransformMatrix33 (LMatrix33 *data)
void WorldToImage (double worldPointX, double worldPointY, double *imagePointX, double *imagePointY)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()

Detailed Description

This interface provide functionalities of the n-points camera model.

In the n-points camera model, the calibration is represented as a transform matrix, which could be rigid/similar/affine/homography transformation as desired. This model does not support distortion calibration.

To use this interface, you should create a LCalibNPoints object.

Example Code