Leaper WaferScan Toolkit
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Public Member Functions | Properties
ILFlatField Interface Reference

This interface provide functionalities of flat field calibration and correction. More...

Inheritance diagram for ILFlatField:
ILObject LFlatField

Public Member Functions

LPVErrorCode FixImage (ILImage *image, ILImage *fixedImage)
void GetFlatField (ILImage *previewImage)
BOOL IsCalibrated ()
LPVErrorCode SetDarkFrame (ILImage *image)
LPVErrorCode Train (ILImage *image, ILRegion *region)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()


LPVImageFormat ColorMode [get, set]
 The mode of the flat field tool, either handling grayscale or color image.
LColor FromColor [get, set]
 The raw sourcing color before flat field correction, for color mode.
int FromGray [get, set]
 The raw sourcing grayscale value before flat field correction, for grayscale mode.
int KernelWidth [get, set]
 The kernel size, it affects the updating range of the foreground and flat field during training and the smoothness of the result flat field. It should be an odd number, say, 3, 5, 7, etc. By default, it's 121.
LColor ToColor [get, set]
 The expected targeting color after flat field correction, for color mode.
int ToGray [get, set]
 The expected targeting grayscale value after flat field correction, for grayscale mode.
int Tolerance [get, set]
 The tolerance range of the color or grayscale value in image, in 1 ~ 50. By default, it's 10. 0 is the special value to make use of the entire image as foreground. It helps to build the color range of the foreground object of interest.
double UpdateRate [get, set]
 The learning rate to control how the flat field image is updated, in 0 ~ 1. The larger value means the higher weights in updating for the new input image. It is recommended to use a higher updating rate in the first some iterations, then lower it in the laters. By default, it's 0, indicates the update rate is calculated on the fly based on the ratio of known foreground pixels.

Detailed Description

This interface provide functionalities of flat field calibration and correction.

Flat field correction is used to compensate for the non-uniformity characteristics of the camera and lens combination such as:

The standard way to do flat field calibration is with a uniform target covering the whole field-of-view, usually a gray or white card. You may then obtain the flat field image:

  1. Place the target to cover the whole view
  2. Adjust the lens aperture and the illumination intensity to obtain the brightest possible image providing that no pixels are saturated.
  3. Acquire several frames and blend them into one denoised image then pass it to the LFlatField object for training.

Another optional way is to use the target object in the actual inspection. The advantage of this method is that the real light reflection on the target object's surface is collected, making the correction more suitable for the material. To obtain the flat field image:

  1. Adjust the lens aperture and the illumination intensity to obtain the brightest possible image providing that no pixels are saturated and the inspected components are clear.
  2. Configure LFlatField for the raw and expected color or grayscale value, to extract the foreground pixels. You may alternatively adopt other locating tools to detect then generate the foreground regions or masks.
  3. Place then capture the image of the target on any possible location in the view, make sure the whole view is almost covered. Pass those images (and their foreground regions or masks) to LFlatField for training

To use this interface, you should create a LFlatField object.

Example Code

Member Function Documentation

◆ FixImage()

LPVErrorCode FixImage ( ILImage image,
ILImage fixedImage 

Fix the image to remove shading or lens cast or affect of inhomogeneous light.
The correction works with a calibrated flat field, if not it returns the LPVErrCalibNotCalib error.

[in]imageThe input image, with the same color format as the flat field.
[out]fixedImageOutput the fixed result image.
Return values
errorReturn error code if anything is wrong.
See also
Train(), GetFlatField()

◆ GetFlatField()

void GetFlatField ( ILImage previewImage)

Get the flat field image for preview. The brighter pixels indicate the light intensity there are stronger.

[out]previewImageOutput the flat field image for preview.

◆ IsCalibrated()

BOOL IsCalibrated ( )

Check whether the flat field is well-calibrated.

Return values
valReturn True if it's calibrated, otherwise, return False.

◆ SetDarkFrame()

LPVErrorCode SetDarkFrame ( ILImage image)

Set the dark frame, which represents the dark current of the sensor and should be eliminated from the corrected image. To obtain the dark frame, you may cover the lens with a cap, acquire several images then adopt multi-frame image blending to get the denoised result.

imageThe input dark image, with the same color format as the flat field.
Return values
errorReturn error code if anything is wrong.

◆ Train()

LPVErrorCode Train ( ILImage image,
ILRegion region 

Train the flat field using the given image. Foreground pixels are extracted in the given image, based on the raw sourcing color or grayscale range and the tolerance, then update to the result flat field image. If Tolerance is set to 0, then all the pixels in the input image and region is considered as foreground then contributes to the flat field.

[in]imageThe input image, with the same color format as the flat field.
[in]regionThe optional input region, to specify the possible foreground locations.
Return values
errorReturn error code if anything is wrong.
See also
FixImage(), SetDarkFrame(), GetFlatField(), Tolerance